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Directions to HCR-AZ from Phoenix
- Go East on Hwy 60 to Hwy 79
- Turn right (South) on 79 to Oracle Junction
- Turn left on Hwy 77 and go east to Oracle
- Turn right at mile marker 100, American Avenue
- Go East on American Ave to Mt Lemmon Rd
- Turn right onto Mt Lemmon Rd and go South for 8 miles
- (7-1/2 miles of blacktop and 1/2 mile of gravel)
- Turn left at the white board fence and the HCR-AZ sign
- Drive up the driveway and see the Hacienda on your left
Directions To HCR-AZ from Tucson
- Go North on Hwy 77 (Oracle Rd) to Oracle
- Turn right at mile marker 100, American Avenue
- Go East on American Ave to Mt Lemmon Rd
- Turn right onto Mt Lemmon Rd and go South for 8 miles
- (7-1/2 miles of blacktop and 1/2 mile of gravel)
- Turn left at the white board fence and the HCR-AZ sign
- Drive up the driveway and see the Hacienda on your left
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